1. Choose a cruise line carefully. Some cruise lines cater specifically to children, like Disney Cruise lines, and others accommodate them, like Princess cruises, and lastly, some refuse kids, like a number of P&O Cruises.
  2. Decide whether ports or amenities are more important. Do you care more about the cities you’ll be able to see or your comfort on board? Knowing your priorities beforehand will manage your expectations during your trip!
  3. Pack after doing some research. Do you have the option of doing laundry on the boat? Decide whether to bring clothes for the entirety of your trip, or plan to get your laundry done. If traveling with a baby remember most cruise lines provide limited baby foods, but might not offer diapers or wipes.
  4. Pack snacks and activities for in-between times. You may have a long drive to port. You might have an unexpected sea day. Either way, be prepared.
  5. Cruise with friends or family! Cruising is great for those who like group activities. And with or without children, when the seas get rough you’ll want someone to hold your hair (or babysit)!